
Zoya33 Profile
  • 0.128875TMAC
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May 2022
@zoya33 in Status·2 years ago

“Just sad” is not the same as depression.

It is perfectly okay to be “just sad” and you absolutely deserve to be acknowledged.

Sadness is a normal, human emotion is that is so often overlooked.

#being #sad #sadness #emotions

@zoya33 in Status·3 years ago

There is good evidence that dairy products decrease the risk of bowel cancer. This includes milk and cheese.

Dairy products contain proteins and vitamins that are important for your health. This includes calcium which is important for strong bones. And high calcium content could be one way dairy products decrease bowel cancer risk.

Dairy alternatives (particularly soya products), can also contain these important proteins and vitamins. Try to choose products with added with added calcium and B12.

Dairy-alternatives have important health benefits. But we need more research to know for sure if they can also reduce risk of bowel cancer.

Low fat, low sugar dairy or dairy-alternatives make up a part of a healthy, balanced diet.

#health #diet #nutrition #life

@zoya33 in Status·3 years ago

Plzz say sorry like that 

