To submit a Large Language Model (LLM) Python script created on Jupyter Notebook on a High Performance Computing (HPC) system, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Job Script:

    • Write a bash script that loads the necessary modules, such as Python and Jupyter, and executes the Jupyter notebook using nbconvert.
    • Ensure the script includes the necessary directives for the HPC job scheduler, such as SLURM commands.
  2. Submit the Job:

    • Save the script with a .sh extension (e.g.,
    • Submit the job using the HPC job scheduler command, typically sbatch

Here is an example of a job script:

#SBATCH --nodes=1
module load conda
source activate jupyter-env
srun jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute mynotebook.ipynb

This script loads the necessary modules, activates the Jupyter environment, and executes the Jupyter notebook using nbconvert.

  1. Monitor the Job:
    • Check the job status using the HPC job scheduler commands, such as squeue or sacct.
    • Verify the output file generated by the job, typically named slurm-<job_id>.out.

By following these steps, you can successfully submit and run your LLM Python script created on Jupyter Notebook on an HPC system.