One of the reasons America banned the pesticide DDT is because scientists believed the chemical was endangering the bald eagle by thinning its eggs to the point where they couldn’t incubate. #bird#egg
A new study by Rice University chemist Han Xiao, theoretical physicist Peter Wolynes and their colleagues shows that amino acid, sulfotyrosine (sTyr), a mutant of the standard amino acid tyrosine. #tmac#bird
That it exists—a discovery made through computational comparison of genome databases—proves it's possible for that enzyme to work within the context of living cells, even if scientists don't know what it does for the bird. #bird#sky
Initially, when we first opened the tiny home villages, our first lease was only six months. Since then, we have been able to work with policymakers to actually change zoning laws. Right now, we're able to lease land for up to four years. #bird#health