To get and add games to the Dolphin Emulator, which supports both GameCube and Wii games, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Dolphin Emulator: Visit the official Dolphin Emulator website at and download the latest version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

  2. Obtain Game ROMs: ROMs are digital copies of game data. You can find GameCube and Wii ROMs on various websites, such as those listed in the search results:

    Please note that downloading ROMs for games you don't own is often considered illegal, and you should ensure you have the right to use these ROMs before proceeding.

  3. Extract ROMs: Most ROMs come in compressed formats like ZIP or 7z. Extract the ROM files to a location on your computer where you can easily find them.

  4. Load ROMs in Dolphin Emulator:

    • Open the Dolphin Emulator.
    • From the main menu, select "File" and then "Open" (or use the shortcut Ctrl+O on Windows, ⌘+O on macOS).
    • Navigate to the folder where you extracted the ROMs and select the desired ROM file.
    • The game should now load in the Dolphin Emulator.
  5. Configure Emulator Settings: For optimal performance and graphics, you may need to adjust settings in the Dolphin Emulator. Access the settings by selecting "Options" from the main menu, and then "Graphics Settings" or "Configure" for other settings.

Remember to ensure that you have the legal right to use the ROMs before downloading and playing them on the Dolphin Emulator.