To address the issue of WhatsApp calls not ringing on Android devices, consider the following solutions based on the search results provided:

  1. Ensure App Notification Permissions: Check WhatsApp's notification settings within the app and ensure that the call notification button is activated. On Samsung devices, this may be located near the bottom under Advanced Settings.

  2. Disable Do Not Disturb: Confirm that the 'Do Not Disturb' feature is not enabled, as it can mute incoming calls, including those from WhatsApp.

  3. Force Stop & Restart App: Force stop the WhatsApp app and then restart it to see if this resolves the issue.

  4. Re-enable Notifications: Turn off WhatsApp notifications for a moment and then re-enable them. This may help restore WhatsApp's text and call notifications.

  5. Clear App Cache: If the above steps don't work, clear the cache of the WhatsApp app. This can be done through the device's Settings > Apps > WhatsApp > Storage > Clear Cache.

  6. Update WhatsApp: Manually update WhatsApp to its latest available version to fix potential bugs that might be causing the issue.

  7. Ensure Background Data Access: Confirm that WhatsApp has access to your device's cellular data or Wi-Fi connection in the background.

  8. Disable Battery Saver: Turn off the Android Battery Saver (or Battery Optimisation on some devices) to ensure that it is not blocking WhatsApp call notifications.

  9. Update Google Play Services: Update Google Play Services, as it plays an important role in the proper functioning of apps and push notifications.

  10. Delete and Reinstall WhatsApp: If all else fails, delete and reinstall WhatsApp from the device.

  11. Update Operating System: If the problem persists, consider updating your device's operating system to the latest version.

Remember to follow the specific steps for your Android device and version, as the exact process may vary slightly between different manufacturers and operating system versions.