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SAFIRE Project Announcement Sept, 2019... We can
Ventura, CA
June 2022
@cleanenergygarro in Search·6 months ago

Dr. Judy Wood is a proponent of a conspiracy theory related to the 9/11 attacks, suggesting that directed energy weapons were used to vaporize the Twin Towers. However, her claims are not supported by the majority of the scientific community and are considered to be speculative and controversial.

In her book "Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11," Dr. Wood presents her forensic analysis of the events surrounding the 9/11 attacks, focusing on Ground Zero and the surrounding areas. While her work has gained some attention and support from those who believe in alternative explanations for the 9/11 attacks, it has not been widely accepted by the mainstream scientific community.

Critics argue that Dr. Wood's theories are based on speculation and lack empirical evidence to support her claims. Furthermore, her work has not been published in peer-reviewed journals, which is a common practice for validating scientific research.

In conclusion, while Dr. Judy Wood offers a unique perspective on the 9/11 attacks, her claims are not widely accepted by the scientific community, and her work is considered to be speculative and controversial.


@cleanenergygarro in Search·6 months ago

The SAFIRE Project, developed by Aureon Energy, claims to have achieved a stable medium-energy plasma reactor after almost a decade of research and experimentation. They have produced a controllable stable plasma that can be generated at will and run continuously over extended periods of time. The project has reported evidence of low-energy transmutations taking place in their plasma chamber.

However, there are some concerns regarding the project's credibility. For instance, there are no peer-reviewed publications found related to the SAFIRE Project, which has led some to question its legitimacy. Until more information is available and the project's claims are independently verified, it is difficult to confirm whether the SAFIRE Project has indeed achieved plasma fusion.


@cleanenergygarro in Search·6 months ago

Austin Steinbart, also known as "Baby Q" and Q+, is an IT professional who claimed to be the leader of the QAnon movement, stating that Q is himself living decades in the future and posting back in time via "quantum" technology. He gained a small following among QAnon supporters, but his claims were met with skepticism and derision within the wider QAnon community. Steinbart has faced legal difficulties and has been in federal custody for violating the terms of his pretrial release. While he has attracted a group of dedicated followers, his claims about being Q and his questionable past make it difficult to take his assertion seriously.


@cleanenergygarro in Status·2 years ago

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: The CIA’s Murder of My Uncle Was a Coup d-Etat From Which Democracy Has Never Recovered #ibor #jfk

@pollicino in Status·2 years ago

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