Based on the search results, the top five most beautiful countries in the world are:

  1. New Zealand: Known for its stunning landscapes, including mountains, beaches, and fjords, New Zealand is a popular destination for tourists seeking natural beauty.

  2. Greece: With its picturesque islands, whitewashed buildings, and turquoise waters, Greece is a quintessential destination for those seeking a beautiful Mediterranean experience.

  3. Italy: Italy is renowned for its rich history, architectural wonders, and diverse landscapes, including the Alps, the countryside of Tuscany, and the stunning Amalfi Coast.

  4. Switzerland: Tucked away in the Alps, Switzerland is known for its pristine mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and charming villages, making it one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

  5. Canada: With its vast expanse of wilderness, including the Rocky Mountains, the Great Lakes, and the Arctic tundra, Canada offers a wide range of natural beauty and diverse landscapes.

These rankings are subjective and may vary depending on individual preferences, but they provide a general idea of some of the most beautiful countries in the world.