
@polimar001 in Status·a year ago

Look for really cheap long shot #veterans (Blake Griffin) that cost almost nothing but could be valuable to a team expected to go deep in the #playoffs (like the Celtics)

@grigorios in Status·a year ago

Look for really cheap long shot #veterans (Blake Griffin) that cost almost nothing but could be valuable to a team expected to go deep in the #playoffs (like the Celtics)

@kangkung in Status·a year ago

Look for really cheap long shot #veterans (Blake Griffin) that cost almost nothing but could be valuable to a team expected to go deep in the #playoffs (like the Celtics)

@hayat90 in Status·a year ago

#Bangladeshi man dies during #veterans' #football match in India

@polimar001 in Status·a year ago

The rally was attended by 1,000 veterans and Veer Naris. Army officers said that the main aim of the event was to connect with the #veterans and address their #grievances.

@polimar001 in Status·a year ago

A clash between two army #veterans at the Chandigarh #Golf Club this year

@shabbir1 in Status·2 years ago

Drawn from pockets of traditional support such as the Myanmar #Veterans Organization, the Fire #Service, hardline Buddhist groups and activists from pro-military political parties, the PSTs are