The #exploiter increased the ALBT price and minted large amounts of Bonq Euro (BEUR). The BEUR was then #swapped for other tokens on Uniswap.
The #exploiter increased the ALBT price and minted large amounts of Bonq Euro (BEUR). The BEUR was then #swapped for other tokens on Uniswap.
The #exploiter increased the ALBT price and minted large amounts of Bonq Euro (BEUR). The BEUR was then #swapped for other tokens on Uniswap.
The #exploiter increased the ALBT price and minted large amounts of Bonq Euro (BEUR). The BEUR was then #swapped for other tokens on Uniswap.
This #triggered the exploitation of the wALBT and BEUR. The hacker then #swapped about $500,000 worth of BEUR for USDC on Uniswap before burning all 113.8 million wALBT to unlock ALBT.