
@jamidulhok in Status·a year ago

#People tell my parents you shouldn't worry, you have sons. I wish we 

#had the same rights.

#Seventeen-year-old Afghan Habiba BB

#There was a little freedom at the beginning, but


@rubina222 in Status·a year ago

#There was a little freedom at the beginning, but #gradually that changed

Habiba, 17#People tell my parents you shouldn't worry, you have sons. I wish we had the same rights." #Seventeen-year-old Afghan Habiba BBC

@rubina222 in Status·a year ago

#Earlier, my brother used to say I won't go to #school without you. I hugged him and said you go, I'll join you later.#People tell my parents you shouldn't worry, you have sons. I wish we had the same rights." #Seventeen-year-old Afghan Habiba BBC

@rubina222 in Status·a year ago

#People tell my parents you shouldn't worry, you have sons. I wish we had the same rights." #Seventeen-year-old Afghan Habiba BBC

@rubina222 in Status·a year ago

#People tell my parents you shouldn't worry, you have sons. I wish we had the same rights." #Seventeen-year-old Afghan Habiba BBC