
@rubina222 in Status·a year ago

It dawns on me at once that the machines #resemble incubators in a neonatal intensive care unit. #Inside them, something very fragile flickers #between existence and whatever comes before #existence. Tiny souls that must be protected from less than a nano of gas are surely 

@rubina222 in Status·a year ago

It dawns on me at once that the machines #resemble incubators in a neonatal intensive care unit. #Inside them, something very fragile flickers #between me and the fathomless nano-processes that I couldn’t have perceived #with my crude pupils anyway. 

@rubina222 in Status·a year ago

It dawns on me at once that the machines #resemble incubators in a neonatal intensive care unit. #Inside them, something very fragile flickers 

@zihadi in Status·a year ago

It dawns on me at once that the machines #resemble incubators in a neonatal intensive care unit. #Inside them, something very fragile flickers 


@rubina222 in Status·a year ago

It dawns on me at once that the machines #resemble incubators in a neonatal intensive care unit. #Inside them, something very fragile flickers