
@mahmud552 in Status·a year ago

However, #chances that the hacker will return the entire loot of $197 million remain slim, as no more #outbound transactions were recorded at the time of writing.

@mahmud552 in Status·a year ago

#Chances that the hacker will return the entire loot of $197 million remain slim, as no more #outbound transactions — other than the 3,000 ETH — were recorded at the time of writing.

@mahmud552 in Status·a year ago

However, #chances that the hacker will return the entire loot of $197 million remain slim, as no more #outbound transactions were recorded at the time of writing.

@mahmud552 in Status·a year ago

#Definitely something we've thought about. Need a few more features like #outbound wires, multi-user support etc. Non-fractional reserve "banking" is definitely looking more attractive right now