A #Memory-being Relives The Brief History Of Indian #Disasters
"I’m proud to serve the country that gave me this historic #opportunity. Today belongs to you. We must hold the #memory of #Apollo11 close."
While an #individual can make a memory during the day, it can become more difficult to recall if they acquire that #memory while sleep deprived.
His #memory of it is a child's memory: some #excitement, confusion, alarm perhaps. But any #emotions have long since subsided.
School doesn't test your intelligence, it tests your memory.
War" I'm not talking about two countries war. I am talking about my war. My war has continued between Me and sleepy. I am little relaxed today. I shall start preparation of paper from morning time. My heart is saying that you should give good time to noise cash friends. I'm missing my whole friends very much.. I am inactive from one week because of exam.. I hope that I shall defeat to sleepy.. It's time to share feelings.. If you are sleeping, I wanna say Goodnight
I'm remembering old day of #Bitcoincash.
Are you remembering such days or not! #Bitcoincash touched $1500 last year. It's my childhood and beautiful period of #Crypto life.. Everyone is crying very much now a days. Market backbone has broken. I never thought that #BCH will touch 170$...
Some people are investing in crypto. Some people say that we can't believe upon market situation now.. we should save our money for few hours.. Selling rates have increased in my country. Who will sell in this bad situation