
@mahmud552 in Status·a year ago

I hosted over four dozen free #meetups in L.A. County, and you know, across the #United States, one in Canada, and then I just created the YouTube channel to livestream those events,” she said.  

@mahmud552 in Status·a year ago

“I noticed a need for #meetups and events that were affordable because all the crypto #events back then, 

@mahmud552 in Status·a year ago

A group of us #Bitcoiners from the countries of former Yugoslavia began to organize regular #meetups about a year ago.

@foysal in Status·a year ago

access #exclusive content like a new song or video and even participate in #meetups with these famous artists.

@grigorios in Status·a year ago

access #exclusive content like a new song or video and even participate in #meetups with these famous artists.

@kangkung in Status·a year ago

access #exclusive content like a new song or video and even participate in #meetups with these famous artists.