
@jamidulhok in Status·a year ago

#dams on tributaries flowing into the Mekong. Dozens more are planned in China, which is also #financing others in the Lower Mekong Basin.#Energy from the hydropower dams in the Upper Mekong River Basin - comprising the Tibetan #Plateau and the Lancang Basin in China and 

@jamidulhok in Status·a year ago

#dams on tributaries flowing into the Mekong. Dozens more are planned in China, which is also #financing others in the Lower Mekong Basin.

@mehedi in Status·a year ago

Because of the #dams and #barrages on the common rivers, Bangladesh is on the one hand deprived of normal

@hayat90 in Status·a year ago

Because of the #dams and #barrages on the common rivers, Bangladesh is on the one hand deprived of normal