#Courage is your natural #setting. You do not need to become courageous, but rather peel back the layers of self-protective, limiting #beliefs that keep you small
The #courage to start again after you fall is not comparable. #life
Use #courage and #determination to bring dreams into reality.
You can do it, you just need #courage to take the required action. #life
You need #courage to go higher in #life, get some for yourself.
#fear is the enemy of #courage, you must be bold to to get what you want in life.
"You get in #life what you have the #courage to ask for." -- #Nancy D. Solomon
"Keep your #fears to yourself, but share your #courage with others." -- #Robert Louis Stevenson
" #Courage is resistance to fear, #mastery of fear--not absence of fear." -- #Mark Twain
"All our #dreams can come true if we have the #courage to pursue them." -- #Walt Disney
All our #dreams can come true if we have the #courage to pursue them." -- #Walt Disney