
@masud in Status·a year ago

#indicates that Bitcoin has run #continuously, 24 hours a day, seven days a week,

@mahmud552 in Status·a year ago

While traders need to take breaks and rest, bots can work #continuously, monitoring the market and #making trades based on predetermined rules.

@mahmud552 in Status·a year ago

#Traders can create bots based on their chosen strategy and custom signals that #continuously monitor the market 24/7 and place trades

@mahmud552 in Status·a year ago

generate income #continuously and make money, a team must operate #successfully as a business. 

@mahmud552 in Status·a year ago

The secondary #market, on the other hand, is open #continuously, allowing investors to buy and sell securities at any time.

@mahmud552 in Status·a year ago

Traders could #continuously buy and sell LUNA and UST to #maintain the peg and profit by doing so, incentivizing them to maintain UST’s peg.

@rabeka in Status·a year ago

Thank you for being an ally and for #continuously using your platform for good," #Laith Ashley, a trans model who featured in the video, wrote

@kangkung in Status·a year ago

Instead, interest is paid #continuously to the side with less demand (i.e., if there’s more demand to go long, it’s #paid to shorts, and vice versa).

@foysal in Status·a year ago

allowing a single block #producer to add blocks #continuously at a frequency of 32 seconds as opposed to the current time of 128 seconds.