#bright light, they surely mean the hospital overheads. That’s what it looks like here in the #bleached and antiseptic atmosphere, near death
On the #bright side, the 6.2% drop in BTC price had a near uneventful impact on #Bitcoin futures markets.
Our #Picture of the Week shows the #bright variable star V 372 Orionis (centre) a smaller companion star (upper left), in the Orion Nebula.
After a #bright start to life at St Mary's Aribo has been dropped following the arrival of Nathan #Jones
The #Inbetweeners’ Simon Bird stars in this #bright, original show about a hyper-religious family.
#EXPERT EXPLAINS The #bright spots, areas of concern in ASER 2022
#Bright, dedicated and highly conscientious #officer, Principal Secretary to PM
Every #dark have a #bright light but we have to #strong stand .