#bandwidth and the number of #processors running on the server. However, in a decentralized system like StorX,
#bandwidth and the number of #processors running on the server. However, in a #decentralized system like StorX,
#bandwidth and the number of #processors running on the server. However, in a decentralized system like StorX,
#bandwidth and the number of #processors running on the server. However, in a decentralized system like StorX,
#bandwidth and the number of #processors running on the server. However, in a decentralized system like StorX,
#bandwidth and the number of #processors running on the server. However, in a decentralized system like StorX,
#bandwidth and the number of #processors running on the server. However, in a decentralized system like StorX,
#bandwidth and the number of #processors running on the server. However, in a decentralized system like StorX,
#bandwidth and the number of #processors running on the server. However, in a decentralized system like StorX,