
Shishir Profile
  • 50.545998TMAC
  • 16000VP
  • 64000BW
December 2022
@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You can change anything, by changing your thoughts! #tmac #bitcoin

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You get to choose what you want, but you must get clear about what you want. This is your work. #btc #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Dance! Feel the symphony of the Universe inside your heart and dance! #btc #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

If you have an intuitive or instinctive feeling, follow it, and you will find that the Universe is magnetically moving you to receive what you asked for. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Before you drive, give thanks for arriving on time and in joy at your destination. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Do you know that you have a clean slate for the rest of your life? #bitcoin #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Remember who you really are - an eternal child of the Universe. #btc #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

When you have gotten clear in your mind about what you want, you have become a magnet to draw those things to you, and those things you want are magnetized to you in return. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Money is only attracted to the person who has good thoughts and feelings about money. #btc #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Allow everyone their freedom. As you do, you will always be free. #btc #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

For the first time in your life, perhaps, work out what it is you really want. Now that you know you can have, be, or do anything, and there are no limits, what do you really want?⁠ #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

The Universe is always responding to all your thoughts and feelings. Make them good ones. #btc #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Remember you are a powerful magnet and you can magnetize ANYTHING to you. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

The more you practice and begin to see the law of attraction bringing things to you, the greater the magnet you will become, because you will add the power of faith, belief, and knowing. #bitcoin #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Give thanks for this day, this hour, this minute, and this second. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Give thanks. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Feel it! Thank you! #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Smell the fragrance of the air and feel how magnificent it is to breathe! #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Feeling heavy doesn't serve you. Begin to deliberately feel the lightness of your being. #tmac #bitcoin

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You do not have to ask over and over again. Just ask once. It is exactly like placing an order from a catalog. You only ever order something once. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

The Universe is calling you home to love and joy #tmac #crypto

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Everything that has been invented and created throughout the history of humankind began with one thought. From that one thought a way was made, and it manifested from the invisible into the visible. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Appreciate and bask in the incredible colors around you. #bitcoin #tmac #crypto

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Transform someone's day with a good deed. #bitcoin #btc #crypto #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

If you can understand that there is no time, and accept that concept, then you will see that whatever you want in the future already exists.⁠ #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Claim the things you want by feeling and believing they are yours. When you do that, the law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances, people, and events for you to receive. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Listen. The Universe is playing your song. You can feel the beat in your heart. #bitcoin #crypto

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

It takes no time for the Universe to manifest what you want. Any time delay you experience is due to your delay in getting to the place of believing, knowing, and feeling that you already have it. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Be grateful for what you have. Big time! #btc #tmac #bitcoin #crypto

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You can imagine anything into being. #bitcoin #btc #tmac #crypto

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You are not broken. You are whole. #bitcoin #btc #tmac #crypto

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Wellbeing is what you naturally are. Take a moment and feel the wellness buzzing in every cell of your body. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You are powerful and strong because the One Supreme Power is within you. #btc #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You are filled with harmony simply by thinking and feeling it. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

How it will happen, how the Universe will bring it to you, is not your concern or job. Allow the Universe to do it for you. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You are the author of the book of your life. Write! #btc #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You are the director of your own movie – the movie of your life. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Trust your gut feelings. You are being guided. #bitcoin #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Begin to expect great things, and as you do, you will create your life in advance. #bitcoin #crypto

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Give thanks for what you want as though you have it already. #tmac #crypto

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You don't have to control negative thoughts. Just think good thoughts. #tmac #crypto

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Expect the things you want, and don't expect the things you don't want. #crypto #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Expect all good things are coming to you. #bitcoin #tmac #crypto

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You are the recipient of the most beautiful gift there is. The gift of being you. #btc #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You are the recipient of the most beautiful gift there is. The gift of being you. #bitcoin #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

When you are feeling good, you are on the frequency of receiving. You are on the frequency of all good things coming to you, and you will receive what you have asked for. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

You are already the greatest success, just as you are. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Remember that resentment or blame only brings more of it to You. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Every teacher featured in The Secret uses gratitude as part of his or her day. Most of them begin their day with thoughts and feelings of gratitude. #btc #tmac

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

Appreciate the trees and the flowers and all of nature. #tmac #btc

@shishir in Status·2 years ago

No matter what you do, you have an A+ from the Universe. #btc #tmac