Giving up is a taboo, keep moving
- 0.649097TMAC
- 16000VP
- 64000BW
Without love and peace, it can only be a house not a home.
But I hear voices in my head
I pick the sound
Of your far-away heart
Panting heavily
Creating a distance...
I think one of the biggest fear crypto enthusiasts face is being without stable coins when the market falls to buy into the dip or to just survive if they are dependent on crypto for survival.
Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best #life #motivation
I thought I knew you
So I died
Just for you...
Words were wings
And our flight
Knew no bounds..
What does it matter?
If you are 40
And I am 16
My heart knows love
And reaches for the Skies
Far into the night
Into the low lights
Of the welcoming Stars...
There’s more to life than basketball. The most important thing is your family and taking care of each other and loving each other no matter what. #life #motivation
Opinions flew
Quickly In a hurry
And like a fluttering candle
They sought to quench
But nay! This is Love's birth
Its reign...
Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as long as you can. #life #motivation
A night dimly lit
A light cozy dance
A crazy start
But the air is stiff
The room stifling
With staring silence
And wagging tongues...
The WSL campaign was due to start on the weekend of September 10 and 11 but fixtures were postponed following the Queen's death on Thursday.
In the journey of life, among all the noises, your voislce matters! Make sure you hear yourself clearly so that other can clewrly hear you!
Everyday comes with its own blessings. Tap into the blessings of today by staying positive with an open mind.
Changing career is like trading in crypto assets. You can get either lucky or unlucky. Caution!