indicating that #investors are paying nearly the same #premium for put and call options, respectively.
The futures #premium reached its highest level in four weeks, despite #remaining below the 5% neutral threshold.
As a result, futures #contracts on healthy markets should trade at a 5%–10% annualized #premium — a situation known as contango, which is not unique to crypto markets.
The 2-month contract #premium is 3.5%, which is less than the neutral 5% #threshold.
Will be #interesting to see how the upcoming unlock affects the #premium.
indicating that #investors are paying nearly the same #premium for put and call options, respectively.
suggesting #investors are putting a roughly equal #premium on respective #put and call options.
indicating that #investors are paying nearly the same #premium for put and call options, respectively.
Since March 15, the BTC futures #premium indicator has remained #unchanged at 2.2%, indicating no additional demand from leveraged buying activity.