Meanwhile, #USDC is currently trading at nearly its #intended peg of $1 after experiencing substantial redemptions and a market cap decline of over $3 billion amidst the ongoing situation involving US banks.
The meeting, #scheduled for April 28 at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, is #intended to “facilitate direct dialog” between the two sides and “share practical experiences and perspectives in opening and maintaining bank accounts,” Bloomberg reported Tuesday.
“The proposed changes are #intended to help ensure that qualified custodians #provide certain standard #custodial protections when maintaining an advisory client’s assets.
Claiming there was no #intended use of fake documents, one of Kwon’s legal #representatives plans to appeal the court’s decision and seek a reduction in detention time.
On Tuesday, Barney Frank, a former member of the #US Congress who was on Signature’s board said the regulatory takeover of the New York-based bank was #intended to send a message to other US banks to stay away from the #cryptocurrency business
On Tuesday, Barney Frank, a former member of the #US Congress who was on Signature’s board said the regulatory takeover of the New York-based bank was #intended to send a message to other US banks to stay away from the #cryptocurrency business
“The proposed changes are #intended to help ensure that qualified custodians #provide certain standard #custodial protections when maintaining an advisory client’s assets.
His short tweet thread was #intended to reassure users. “Rest assured, Ripple remains in a strong #financial position,” he tweeted.
“The proposed changes are #intended to help ensure that qualified custodians #provide certain standard #custodial protections when maintaining an advisory client’s assets.
“The proposed changes are #intended to help ensure that qualified custodians #provide certain standard #custodial protections when maintaining an advisory client’s assets.
“The proposed changes are #intended to help ensure that qualified custodians #provide certain standard #custodial protections when maintaining an advisory client’s assets.