To add Microsoft Copilot on your Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Access via Web App

    • Open in Safari (or any other modern web browser like Chrome or Edge).
    • Log in with your Microsoft account.
    • Go to File > Add to Dock, and click "Add" in the dialog that opens. This creates a Copilot web app icon in your Mac Dock.
  2. Chrome or Edge Users

    • Open in either Chrome or Edge.
    • Create a shortcut: In Chrome, go to More Tools > Create Shortcut; in Edge, go to Apps > Install This Site as an App.
    • Check the "Open as Window" option and click "Create".
  3. iPad App on Mac

    • If you have an Apple Silicon Mac, you can run the iPad app on your Mac from the Mac App Store.
    • Download the Microsoft Copilot app from the Mac App Store, and launch it.
    • Sign in with your Microsoft account to access more features.

Please note that these methods are for using the web-based version of Microsoft Copilot, which may not have the same features as the dedicated Windows app. Additionally, the web app might not share the same system integration as the Windows version, so some features specific to Windows may not be available on your Mac.