To go live on Instagram, you can use either a mobile device or a desktop, based on the methods described below:

Mobile Device

For the Instagram mobile app:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone.
  2. Swipe right anywhere in the feed, or tap the plus sign (+) to start a new post.
  3. Scroll to find the 'Live' option at the bottom.
  4. Before starting the live stream, adjust the title under the pencil icon (Title), if needed.
  5. Choose between 'Privacy Settings', where you can limit visibility to Public (visible to everyone) or Private (Visible Only Me).
  6. When ready, tap 'Start Live Video'. During the live session, invite others to join you from the People icon or interact with comments.

Desktop Computers using Instagram Live Producer

This method requires access to the Instagram Live Producer feature and compatible streaming software like OBS or Streamlabs. Note that the availability of the Instagram Live Productor remains limited; consider checking directly with Instagram to ensure compatibility:

  1. Connect Instagram accounts with third-party streaming applications by utilizing the respective app's login process for Instagram. If the feature isn't directly supported, manually enter custom URLs provided by Instagram.

    • From your preferred streaming app on your computer, obtain the stream URL and stream key needed to link with Instagram from the "Instagram Live Producer" section after navigating to 'Go Live'on
  2. Apply the retrieved information (URL, Key) within the selected streaming software. Adjust video settings accordingly within the app.

  3. Access the add a title text field upon entering "public" mode. From the next prompt, start the process of connecting your computer to Instagram.

  4. Upon encountering a confirmation visible to the producer alone, proceed to enable your preferred privacy setting in a similar fashion seen in the case of a mobile device.

  5. Finally, initiate the live broadcast by hitting your streaming application's designated button.

Please keep in mind that certain Instagram Live capabilities available on mobile devices might not function through Live Producer, including comment response management, adding a moderator, and some interactive options.