Smokers want to quit to help the #health system during #COVID news life
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Multifaceted approach to managing #cardiovascular risk #proves too complex in practice
New study on brain #cooling turns #treatment advice on its head
The George Institute calls on policy makers in India to put in place a national drowning prevention plan to prevent #unnecessary and #avoidable deaths
The George #Institute to conduct the '#Australian Eye and Ear Health Survey' with partners
Med-tech start-ups #accelerated #towards commercial success life news
New hope for kidney patients around the world with investment into #Australian dialysis #device manufacture
Not including enough women in stroke trials #could be #impacting their treatment
New five-country study reveals wide variation in salt content across processed fish and meat products, offering #opportunities to #reduce salt
Health and medical groups call for PM to scale up climate commitments after #international #negotiations in Glasgow
Supermarket wars - Woolworths still #healthiest, but #Coles the most Aussie
New funding for better heart health in #Aboriginal and Torres #Strait Islander communities
Australian study set to guide the #treatment of critically ill #patients worldwide
#Community leaders call on #Government to abandon plans to cut alcohol prices
Salt in soluble paracetamol linked to increased risk of #cardiovascular #disease and death
#COVID-19 clinical trials #disproportionately run out of high-income countries, research shows
#Australian Eye and# Ear Health #Survey launched on World Hearing Day
First direct evidence to show cost-effectiveness of salt #substitutes on #cardiovascular outcomes
New standard is a ‘game changer’ that will ensure healthcare workers recognise sepsis as a #medical #emergency sepsis statement
Teachers sound the alarm on school vapingWomen with stroke #disadvantaged in critical #treatment time window
Controlling gut flora can reduce #mortality in #critically ill patients on life support
Improving #environmental #sustainability of dialysis services