To set the default graphics for apps and games on Windows 11, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app: Click the Start button, then select 'Settings' or search for it in the Start menu.
  2. Navigate to the Display settings: In Settings, click on 'System', then select 'Display'.
  3. Access Graphics settings: Scroll down to the bottom of the Display settings and click on 'Graphics'.
  4. Choose the app you want to change: Find the app you want to configure, or use the 'Browse' option to locate an app's executable file if it's not listed.
  5. Select the preferred GPU: Click on the app, then click 'Options'. Choose 'High performance' if you have a dedicated GPU (e.g., Nvidia) and 'Power saving' for integrated graphics (e.g., Intel).
  6. Save the settings: Click 'Save' to apply the changes.

If you need to reset GPU preferences for all apps, follow these steps:

  1. Open Settings: Click the Start button, then select 'Settings' or search for it in the Start menu.
  2. Navigate to the Display settings: In Settings, click on 'System', then select 'Display'.
  3. Access Graphics settings: Scroll down to the bottom of the Display settings and click on 'Graphics'.
  4. Reset GPU preferences: Select the app you want to reset, then click 'Reset'. This will set the GPU preference back to the system default.

Remember that these settings can also be managed through the Nvidia Control Panel or AMD Software if you have dedicated graphics cards from those manufacturers.